Personal preservation

This is the basic package for getting up and running with VoxelBase™ and archiving data. This package is mainly focused on personal use and is meant to be as easy as possible to get going with. It includes enough storage to safely backup your most valuable data, such as emails, documents and photos.

Data archiving for small teams

If you are managing documents and important data for a small team this will be the right package for you. The superior storage space and backup rate will help you get up and running as fast as possible and allows for storage of the teams most valueable data for up to 500 years.

Database migration

This option is the enterprise solution for data archiving. The package allows for up to three terrabytes of data to be stored and has the best archival performance on the market. This package uses leading-edge technology to archive your whole database inside the most toughest glass ever greated.

The largest silica platter for sale
A quartz-reinforced glass platter available for the database package

Available implementations

Backup rate
Base price
10 GB
100 Mbps
Silica Glass
100 Years
Small team
100 GB
250 Mbps
Silica Glass
< 500 Years
3000 GB
1000 Mbps
Quartz-reinforced Glass
~ 1000 Years

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